My Tax

My Tax

Whether they are Luxembourg residents or not, My Tax allows each of your employees to simulate a tax situation, file their tax return online and automatically benefit from the most advantageous options depending on their situation. And this, without any necessary tax knowledge. 

My Tax in a few words


All the personal taxation digitized

Whether they are residents or cross-border commuters, paying their taxes is a duty of citizenship for your employees. However, they still have to pay the right amount ! What if you let them never have to worry about taxes again while optimizing their income ?

Thanks to its 20.000 algorithms and ease of use, My Tax is a revolutionary digital tool in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Didactic and user-friendly, it allows your employees to fully manage their tax affairs without any knowledge required.

MY TAX RETURN : no matter how complex their situation is, your employees file their tax return (or annual statement) online. They only have to answer simple questions and download their form(s) automatically completed once the process is over. Best of all, the algorithms choose in real time the most advantageous options according to their situation (tax credits, bonuses,…).

MY OPTIMIZATION : once the process is complete, your employees have a quantified and personalized overview of the opportunities available to them to save taxes. Thanks to My Need, they have access to an independent wealth advisor and all the tax products on the market if they wish to optimize their tax situation.

MY SIMULATION : a new home, an evolving personal situation or the desire to invest ? Our tax simulator allows your employees to simulate any situation to guide their life choices.

100 % of your employees are concerned by taxation

The most complementary benefit to their income
Salary top-up
Optimize the monthly income you bring to your employees
Monthly income
Simplify the taxation of all your employees, residents and non-residents
Tax simplification
Allow your employees to benefit from the tax advantages to which they are entitled
Tax optimization

Finally an application that simplifies taxation

Simplicity is irresistible

Taxation is a subject that concerns all your employees. You solve a long-term problem and they'll let you know about it !

The ideal complement to their salary

My Tax can be perfectly combined with the salary you deploy for your employees and its added value is felt each year on their wallet.

For residents and non-residents

Many of your employees will pay less tax and all will gain in simplicity for the annual management of their family tax.



My Tax is the most attractive benefit of the VIREO package. And our users let us know !

My Tax in 4 features

In a few minutes, your employees can simulate any tax situation. They want to know how much tax they have to pay this year ? They think they are changing their family situation and do not know how it will influence their taxation ? The « My Simulation » section of My Tax gives them a quick and accurate answer to all their questions.

Your added value

My Tax is the ideal service to supplement your employees’ income and contribute to the stability of their financial situation. An advantage that enhances their loyalty and maximizes innovation within your organization.  

A key argument to attract talents

A top-of-the-range service that all your recruits will need.

A service that will soon become indispensable

Your employees pay their taxes every year. Once My Tax is used, they will not be able to do without it.

A reliable and innovative loyalty tool

VIREO's salary benefits meet the basic needs of your employees. My Tax is one of its pillars.